Friday, May 30, 2008

Thoughts on Costa Rica (random)

So having been in Costa Rica for 2 weeks now, I have a few observations that i found very interesting here. Many of the cars, trucks, and SUV's are diesel powered, which in most cases is not very clean burning. Another thought is that many Tico's do whatever they want as far as traffic laws and traffic lights are concerned. They blatantly go through red lights or illegally pass each other. Its interesting how these little things are different. Most of the cars are from Japan, very few from the USA. Water is not free at restaurants. It many cases, it is the same price as beer, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me. The food here is much different, but pretty tasty. Gallo pinto is pretty standard, but one thing that i do not like, papaya, tastes horrible. The school, Universidad Veritas, they have guards at the entrance who carry guns, pretty intense. I saw my first prostitute last night, blatantly standing on the street corner. The bar we went to last night, Castros, a dancing club, had 2 security guards at the front with bulletproof jackets on and guns. All the houses in San Jose have 2 if not 3 gates before you can enter the house. Most of the houses have what i call razor wire, not barb wire, but razorwire along the roof line. Security is a big deal here, and I have been told its a sign of status. On my walk to school everyday, we pass this one house that has a security guard sitting out front with a beating stick as his only weapon. The house isnt even that nice, but the guard sits outside all day.  

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